How to Get Your Lawn Established

Proper maintenance during the first month is crucial to successful sod establishment. Try to keep traffic to a minimum to give the roots an opportunity to firmly knit with the soil and ensure that it will remain smooth & level.

Day 1: Installation

Thoroughly wet the soil before installation.

Days 2-5: Water

Water thoroughly in the morning and late afternoon for approximately 30 minutes per day. Make sure you are watering enough to get down into the roots and soil.

Days 6-9: Water & Spot Check

Continue to water your sod. Check for dry spots around the perimeter of the lawn and the seams between sod pieces. Hand water dried out areas.

Days 10-12: Fertilize, Root Check, and Reduce Watering

Reduce watering to once per day. Continue to spot check and look for fresh white roots beginning to attach to the soil.

Days 13-15: Mowing and Further Reduce Watering

Mow at the highest setting and only cut off the very tops of the leaf blades. Reduce watering to once every other day.

Days 16-20: Last Fertilizer Application

Continue to monitor for dry spots, Begin transitioning to once inch of water per week.

Days 20-30: Home Stretch and Regular Mowing

Continue watering at one inch per week total. Cut at the higher end of the recommended height for your grass type to encourage root growth. Avoid scalping.

Days 30+: Transition to Regular Care

After your lawn has properly established itself, the next step is to perform proper maintenance practices to ensure long term success of your lawn.